Who needs to go anywhere when you live in a a city chock full of fun things to do? This week, the cousins are on Spring Break and we're on Staycation! Of course, the happenings of the week will be recorded here.
Saturday, we kicked off our Staycation with Nana & Papa in town for the start of the soccer season!
Beckett had his first soccer game EVER and Eli had his first outdoor game of the season. It was a full morning of cheering on our little quasi-athletes.
After the games, we headed downtown to the Arch. It was a first for most of the group (kids and grands), so that was a fun thing to share together. Since Saturday, Beckett has noticed other arch-shaped objects and referenced our adventure, which makes this nerdy teacher-mom even giddier, of course!
Left: First time sitting "booster seat style" with the seatbelt instead of 5-point harness.
It was a one-time thing, but he was THRILLED.
Right: Four-year-old boy face at it's finest. And sweet Charlie Grace. |
The ride up itself was hysterical. If you've ever been in one of the eggs up the to the arch, you know they are MINISCULE. One of the attendants tried to get all NINE of us in one of these together. This situation would make sardines look like they had space to do yoga. Luckily I had been up before and knew that was a DUMB idea. I wonder if the attendants have actually ever RIDDEN to the top. SMH.
Couldn't even get a decent selfie in such close quarters. This photo doesn't do it justice.
We were so grateful for two little people between us. |
Fortunately, the Wildcats had just won the SEC Tournament Semi-Final game. (Go Cats!) UNFORTUNATELY, they all seemed to think that the arch was a great post-game activity. I've never been in such close quarters with so many fans in blue. I love you so, Wildcats. Congrats on winning the whole tournament. Now, go away.
Entertaining this small child. #MomLife |
While the adults in the crew were IMMEDIATELY ready to leave, the kids didn't seem to mind. It was fun to see them climb to the windows together and ooh & ahh over the views. It was even more fun to come down and show them from the ground where they had just been. Hopefully next time we go, it'll be less sardine-y.
Tuesday consisted of Chick-fil-A (the ultimate happy place) and The Painting Spot! We loaded all four kiddos into one van together (their idea of a fun time) and headed out! Everyones loves CFA. We get to let the kids play long enough to eat our food in peace (praise, hallelluyer!), and then they join us once their food has cooled and we're less on-edge. WIN-WIN!
The kids play SO WELL together right now. I just can't get enough of it. They spend most of their time paired off. Avaya & Charlie hold hands everywhere they go. The situation is pure sweetness (ok, fine. There are occasional moments of sour).
How'd we miss an Eli pic?! |
After lunch, we swung through Starbucks (obviously) and headed out to The Painting Spot, a cute pottery & canvas painting place. Brian took a break from work to join us for this excursion, which worked out REALLY well for this mom of two littles. Who invented painting, anyway?!
Just kidding. The experience was mostly really enjoyable. We got to sip our coffee and enjoy each other's company. All of the kids were great, and we have some serious masterpieces to add to our homes. Lucky moms.
Can we just talk about how glorious it is to finally have kids old enough to go play on the playground without me playing shadow? Praise hallelluyer. I'm in heaven. Even though Spring Break is a little early, the weather cooperated enough today for us to get out to the playground. For my kiddos, it was the first time making it out to our local playground since we moved back, so it a pretty momentous occasion.
After the playground, we took four children & two babies (ok, dolls) into Steak & Shake for lunch. It was exactly has healthy and relaxing as you are imagining. The boys donned their cheesy hats and played with their Steak and Shake folded cars while the girls shoved their faces and played momma to their littles. With the exception of not being able to have an adult conversation without being interrupted 278,208,873 times, it was fun to watch them just chill together.
We finished the day with a trip to Hobby Lobby (the moms get to have fun too) and then scurrying home for soccer & dance practices. It was a simple day, but full of sweet bonding moments between these four awesome kiddos.
Today the cousins decided to each do their own thang (absence makes the heart grow fonder, ya'll), so our little crew decided to start at the library for the first time since we've been back to St. Charles! I was
so pleased with the librarian who led story time. She was spunky and fun and PERFECT for the preschool crew. We will definitely make this a regular part of our routine.
Today was St. Patrick's Day themed, of course, so she read several hilarious stories (even I was entertained by her on-point animation) and then did a St. Patrick's Day Version of "Going on a Bear Hunt." HOW BRILLIANT IS THAT? Here are the kids going "under the rainbow" on their search for a Leprechaun.
While Beckett was all about following her silly instructions, Charlie wasn't quite sure what to think. It's fun to see their own little preferences and personalities shine. When it came time for crafts, roles reversed. Beckett did the bare minimum to get the job done, and Charlie was the LAST ONE to finish, insisting she color both the front and back of her Leprechaun disguise to perfection. What a hoot.
After the library we drove through Crazy Bowls and headed to a different playground to take advantage of this INCREDIBLE weather! Dad took a break from work to meet us for this part of our little outing. The kids wore themselves out, having a blast. We are so so glad happy weather is here. We have so many new playgrounds to explore!