This year, I left Knox County to begin teaching in Hamblen County. The job change was inspired by the marriage & move and to avoid the 2-hr round trip commute every day. However, changing to Hamblen County has been an awesome choice for SO MANY reasons. I wasn't super thrilled with my job in Knox County. While I loved the people I worked with, and all of my students, I just didn't stay busy enough to keep from being bored much of the day, plus I was the only ELL teacher in my building and was often cooped up in my little corner of the building with not much adult contact! Hamblen county has been a big change!! At West Elementary, we have more than 120 students on our daily case-load. I share a classroom full time with a good friend, Mary Beth, who also happens to be a friend from church AND in my weekly small group. And in addition, Katie Hudson is with us half day! For those of you who don't know Katie, you SHOULD. She has played a very important role in my life. Not only was she a college roommate, and introduced me to Hamblen county & the current position I'm in, AND was one of the best bridesmaids ever... she is ALSO responsible for my new last name! Katie introduced me to Brian a few years ago.. and the rest is history. So it's been SO fabulous working with these two girls every day.
The pictures here are from a our celebration at the end of our Around the World unit. Katie represented Mexico & we ate tamales & atole. Mary Beth represented China & we had rice. And I was Africa :) We ate Chapati (which Katie and I learned to make during our trip to Africa two summers ago). We have 29 1st graders and 31 kindergarteners! They had a BLAST.
Denise showing children Chapati |
Ms. Hudson (Katie) introducing
today's itinerary to first grade. |
Mary Beth (Miss Zink) reviewing Asia |
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