A STL Summer: Beckett's Bucket List 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

T Minus 127 days until the anticipated arrival of Little Miss Charlie Grace!! We are super excited to welcome Hill baby #2 into the family, but we also plan on making the most of the time leading up to her arrival!

Beckett is at that fun & exciting (albeit exhausting for this preggo momma) age when he’s thrilled by opportunities to run his little legs and explore the world around him. The weather here has finally become enjoyable and we plan to make the most of it! This is Beckett’s last summer as an only child and his first summer as a toddler, so to celebrate he (and by he I mean I) decided we need a STL Summer Bucket List! We hope to hit as many of these as possible as we get to know our (relatively) new city and enjoy some Beckett time!

As always, in an effort to preserve our memories, we plan to document our adventures here! For each Bucket List item, I’ll post of a few of my favorite pics on individual posts and the rest will be in an album here:

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