[Disclaimer: This is copied & pasted from a Facebook Post because I never blogged about it!]
This is really late. Just pretend I'm on top of things.
Almost two weeks ago, this favorite little man TURNED TWO YEARS OLD!! I had every intention of updating our friends and family with a sweet blog post on this kiddo but alas, it has not happened and it's time we just admit that ship has sailed.

So #ThisIsTwo!
Beckett is SINCERELY one of the sweetest little men I've ever known. We are so blessed to call him ours!! He loves food, Leap Frog, "things that go," wrestling with his daddy, books, and learning! He has a ton of patience and really great focus. [Brag Alert!] He knows all of his letters and letter sounds, can identify numbers and count to ten, a ton of colors, shapes, animals and sounds, etc. He's still a sleep NINJA (as in - he can fight it... the kid stayed awake until 4AM on our drive to Chicago this week!).
Beckett is SINCERELY one of the sweetest little men I've ever known. We are so blessed to call him ours!! He loves food, Leap Frog, "things that go," wrestling with his daddy, books, and learning! He has a ton of patience and really great focus. [Brag Alert!] He knows all of his letters and letter sounds, can identify numbers and count to ten, a ton of colors, shapes, animals and sounds, etc. He's still a sleep NINJA (as in - he can fight it... the kid stayed awake until 4AM on our drive to Chicago this week!).
For his birthday, we decided to have a small family affair. We surprised him when he woke up from nap with decorations, a pile of presents from the fam, & his favorite foods! Then we just played and enjoyed our evening! Happy {Belated} Birthday, Stinky Face!
Beckett's birthday in photos:
During nap, we decorated the house with balloons and a pile of gifts. Out of town family had sent gifts, too, so there was no lack of presents for opening! When he woke up, he was completely surprised with the transformation!
During nap, we decorated the house with balloons and a pile of gifts. Out of town family had sent gifts, too, so there was no lack of presents for opening! When he woke up, he was completely surprised with the transformation!
We invited Beckett's Uncle Russ, cousin Nate, and Aunt Lea to join us for family dinner made of all of Beckett's favorite foods! Instead of a traditional cake, Beckett had strawberry short cake, because he's a fruit fanatic! He was so thrilled to hear everyone sing him "Happy Birthday." Sweet.
Then we opened his MOUND of gifts, and spent the rest of the evening playing with new toys! Because he's so into "things that go," most of his gifts fit that theme, and he was in Toddler Heaven!
The next morning, we got up and played with our new toys some more! His "big gift" from mom and dad was his new drone! Recently he was enthralled by a drone at a local park, so we decided it would be a fun activity for Dad & Beckett to enjoy together. Boy were we right! He loved it SO MUCH -- except when Dad hit him in the head with a drone. Yeah, that happened.
It was also FINALLY time for Beckett's first hair cut!! We've been putting it off because his hair is SO. THIN. but it was definitely time. He did great! And now look how stinkin cute my little two year old is!
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