A few years ago, we started this blog in lieu of a traditional Christmas letter. Still, I think that if someone we don't keep up with often were to ask what we were up to, this blog would not completely answer that question. So, here's the run down!!
We've been in St. Charles now for 16 months, but it seems like we're still brand new here. We haven't branched out much, but I haven't been in much of a hurry to either. Before we moved we were super involved in everything and stayed crazy busy, so I think we've both been enjoying a bit of a hermit lifestyle. However, it's one of my New Year's resolutions to be more social!
Brian is currently working for Coca-Cola as an account manager. He enjoys it well enough but doesn't see it as a life-long thing. We're super grateful for the job in the meantime though! He's also doing some free-lance graphic design & some consulting on the side, which is more related to the field he really loves. We're grateful God knows what He's doing. He's made some changes in Brian's career path in the last year and a half that we would have never expected, but know are for the better. The whole experience has reminded us how comforting it is that He is in control. We'll keep you updated as things evolve!
Happy Birthday, Nanna!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Have I mentioned how much I love being closer to family? This weekend we got to swipe our niece and nephew and road trip up to my parents' house for Nanna's birthday!
It's about a 6.5 drive with stops and traffic, but went surprisingly well with these awesome littles. Of course, road tripping with three kids is an adjustment for anyone, but we were prepared with entertainment and movies for the drive.
special events

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas in the Hill Home!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year! I love the decorations and the trees and the SNOW! I look forward to winter and Christmas all year. Yes - I'm one of this crazy people who prefers the cold over the hot.
I've been collecting ornaments for years because my dream is to have a tree in every room of the house. :)
My favorite tree in the house is the white tree in my living room. I designed and shopped for this one with my mom a couple years back. The inspiration (and some of the ornaments) came from the Biltmore Mansion. Mom, Curt, Brian, & I took a trip there a couple years ago, so we have sweet memories attached to this tree.
Last year when it came time to decorate for Christmas, I was laid up post c-section and with a newborn. I got the white tree up but everything else was blah. Actually, the mantle still had the fall leaves on it throughout the entire Christmas season. Not this year! Mantle: CHECK!
special events

Beckett's Christmas Tree
Sunday, December 7, 2014
For Beckett's First Birthday, Grandma & PaPaw had the SWEETEST idea. They gave Beckett a Christmas tree!
The Christmas tree is only one year old. It's soooo itty bitty and adorable!
It's so sweet that he has a tree that his age! The plan is to take a picture of the two of them every year and watch them grow together. I love that the tradition is so unique and sweet. Thanks Grandma & PaPaw!
special events

Beckett's First Birthday
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Beckett's ONE! Can you even believe it?! One of the biggest perks of surviving this year was being able to throw Beckett's first birthday party. It was so much fun to plan!! Brittany (my sister in law) and I have recently started a small event planning business (check out our page here!) so it was good practice for us!

We went with a rustic moose theme, based on Beckett's toy moose that we all love. Almost all of the decorations were made, borrowed, or something we already had! I was pretty impressed with myself for working on a budget. :)

Brian definitely had his work cut out for him for this event. With all of the wood work to be done, he stayed busy. His dad helped too, which made for sweet father-son time, and made us that much more happy to have moved closer. Brian even got a new saw out of the deal.

The moose head is made from old deck wood we found for free on Craigslist! The flags are made from pants I bought at the thrift store! Is that gross?

We went with a rustic moose theme, based on Beckett's toy moose that we all love. Almost all of the decorations were made, borrowed, or something we already had! I was pretty impressed with myself for working on a budget. :)

Brian definitely had his work cut out for him for this event. With all of the wood work to be done, he stayed busy. His dad helped too, which made for sweet father-son time, and made us that much more happy to have moved closer. Brian even got a new saw out of the deal.

The moose head is made from old deck wood we found for free on Craigslist! The flags are made from pants I bought at the thrift store! Is that gross?
special events

Beckett at ONE YEAR!
Sunday, December 7, 2014
One year! We've got a one year old! It's been the best year ever. {You can check out pictures from the last year here!}
Little man has grown SO much just in the last couple of months. He weighs 27 pounds (the same as his 2.5 year old cousin!), and is off the charts in all areas for his age. We're ok with that. :) He's gonna be a football player!
He LOVES singing. He's the only person in the world who thinks I'm a good singer, but I'll take it! He likes to sing himself too. His favorite is the alphabet… He's only got "f" (which sounds more like "eh") and "g" down, but it's cute to watch him try!
He's still a happy go lucky, easy going baby, with a few exceptions. He's learning how to throw a tantrum! They aren't very often (yet) but they sure are heart-breaking. I'm determined not to give in to whatever he's tantruming about, but it makes me a little sad and a little entertained at the same time.
He's also just started walking this week! He's just too cute toddling all over the house. He wears this big proud grin on his face like suddenly he can conquer the world. He's definitely keeping us on our toes.
He likes shooting hoops in his little tykes hoop, playing with hot wheels, any kind of ball, and blocks, hanging out at the front window & watching the cars, almost any food you put in front of him (in large amounts, please!).

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